Problem B
Solving for Carrots

You will be given the number of contestants in a hypothetical contest, the number of huffle-puff problems that people solved in the contest and a description of each contestant. Now, find the number of carrots that will be handed out during the contest.
Input starts with two integers $1 \le N, P \le 1\, 000$ on a single line, denoting the number of contestants in the contest and the number of huffle-puff problems solved in total. Then follow $N$ lines, each consisting of a single non-empty line in which the contestant describes him or herself. You may assume that the contestants are good at describing themselves, in a way such that an arbitrary 5-year-old with hearing problems could understand it.
Output should consist of a single integer: the number of carrots that will be handed out during the contest.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
2 1 carrots? bunnies |
1 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
1 5 sovl problmz |
5 |